Multidisciplinary Care

The highest standard of care for complex diseases of the liver and pancreas

A multidisciplinary approach to care is a vital component of quality care for patients with cancer and other complex liver, biliary and pancreatic conditions. Multidisciplinary teams involve a range of specialists including your surgeon, gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiotherapists, pathologists and radiologists, as well as nursing and allied health staff such as dieticians and cancer care coordinators. Your GP is also a valuable member of the multidisciplinary team. Multidisciplinary care has been demonstrated to improve complex decision making, support adherence to evidence based best practice and improve patient experience and clinical outcomes.

Kaye works closely with a range of medical specialists and allied health staff, experienced in providing complex care to patients with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Kaye attends regular multidisciplinary team meetings at both Cabrini Health and The Alfred, where cancer and complex cases are presented and discussed. This facilitates coordinated treatment and communication between health professionals involved in your care, to achieve the best possible outcomes for you.