Telehealth appointments

We have now returned to routine in rooms (face-to-face) consultations.

If you prefer (and provided it is clinically appropriate), we are happy to conduct your consultation via Telehealth. Please contact our staff if you would like to arrange a Telehealth appointment.

To help keep our patients and staff safe we are only scheduling Telehealth appointments for those patients who have symptoms of potential COVID infection or who live with a known or suspected case. This applies even if you have a negative RAT result as it is possible to have COVID even if you have a negative RAT. Please refer to our coronavirus information page for more details.

For Telehealth consultations we use an encrypted medical platform (doxyme) that is simple to use. Easy to follow instructions with a link to enter the telehealth virtual waiting room are emailed to patients on booking an appointment. Our friendly staff are also on hand to help you out over the phone if needed.

For patients unable to use Telehealth we can offer follow up consultations over the phone where clinically appropriate. Please note that we DO NOT provide initial consultations or complex follow up consultations via telephone.

What do I need?

All you need is a computer/tablet or smart phone that has a camera, microphone and speaker. There is no need to download any software.

How do I check in?

To check in for your appointment

  • Click on the link that has been emailed to you or enter the link into your browser (Chrome, Firefox or Safari)
  • Enter your name
  • Click “Check-In”
  • That’s it! Please wait and Kaye will begin your consultation as close to your appointment time as possible

What if I have problems?

If you need assistance, please phone our friendly staff on (03) 9923 8070
Please also keep your mobile phone with you so we can phone you if there are any technical difficulties.